The Early Acheulean : Konso, Ethiopia / Gen Suwa, Yonas Beyene, Katsuhiro Sano & Berhane Asfaw (2019) Actualités Apports méthodologiques à la caractérisation des matières colorantes : application à l'abri orné de Leopard Cave (Erongo, Namibie) / Guilhem Mauran

The Sardinian Neolithic: An Archaeology of the 6th and 5th Millennia BCE / Gary S. Webster (2019)


Webster_2019 [Néolithique]
Gary S. Webster (2019) - The Sardinian Neolithic: An Archaeology of the 6th and 5th Millennia BCE, Oxford, Archaeopress, 108 p. EAN 9781407355115, 31,00 €.

Despite Sardinia’s extraordinarily rich Neolithic record, very little of it has made its way into the general European discourse. Written as a companion to G. Webster and M. Webster, Punctuated Insularity. The Archaeology of 4th and 3rd Millennium Sardinia. Oxford: BAR International Series 2871, 2017, the present volume addresses the omission by offering a synthesis of an archaeological corpus still little known outside the island. It covers in detail the evidence of colonisations and subsequent adaptations to the Sardinia’s diverse environments in terms of settlement patterns, craft industries, subsistence economies, mortuary and non-mortuary cult expressions, imagery, art and extra-insular relations with special emphasis of neighbouring Corsica, while offering interpretive suggestions. As a study of the frequentation and settling of Sardinia as a locale, a large, insular, west-Mediterranean landmass, by people with non-indigenous heritages, it furthermore locates the island’s cultural modalities within the so-called neolithisation of the broader Tyrrhenian region during the sixth and fifth millennia BCE. .

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