Magical, mundane or marginal? Deposition practices in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik culture / Daniela Hofmann (2019) Nouvelles parutions hors SPF Cahier XIII : Matières d’art : représentations préhistoriques et supports osseux, relations et contraintes, enrichi d’une iconographie paléolithique sur CD réalisé par Eva David / Lucette Mons, Stéphane Péan & romain Pigeaud (2014)

Human Adaptations to the Last Glacial Maximum : The Solutrean and its Neighbors / Isabell Schmidt, João Cascalheira, Nuno Bicho & Gerd-Christian Weniger (2019)


Schmidt_et_al_2019 [Paléolithique et Mésolithique]
Isabell Schmidt, João Cascalheira, Nuno Bicho & Gerd-Christian Weniger (2019) - Human Adaptations to the Last Glacial Maximum : The Solutrean and its Neighbors , Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 540 p. EAN 9781527538481, 103,00 €.

The book assembles new insights into humanity’s social, cultural and economic developments during the Last Glacial Maximum in Western Europe and adjacent regions. It gathers original, up-to-date research results on the Solutrean techno-complex, reflecting four major fields of research: data from current excavations; analysis of lithic assemblages; new results from studies on climatic conditions and human-environmental interactions; and insights into artistic expressions. New methodological and analytical approaches are applied, providing significant contributions to Paleolithic research beyond the Last Glacial Maximum.

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