Mortuary archaeology today : Approaches, methods and ethics A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Les découvertes exceptionnelles du Rocher de l'Impératrice (Plougastel-Daoulas, Finistère) et leur apport pour la compréhension de la fin du Paléolithique supérieur

The search of small tools by Neanderthals populations in Western Europe

Congrès, colloques, réunions


4-9 juin 2018




XVI-5 session du 18ème congrès UISPP, Paris 2018, proposée par Aleix Eixea & María Chacón


Microlitization process and specially its reasons (raw material format, mobility strategies or productive processes transformations) are especially important in relation with Neanderthal societies. Although during Lower Palaeolithic there are many references to tools size reduction, is during Middle Palaeolithic when this reduction, related with ramified production systems, is particularly intense. Generally, these small size industries have been explained as a raw material format adaption or an raw material economization quality in contexts where it is not very abundant. This hypothesis doesn't cover the possibility which microlitization process can be related with change in mobility patterns. Normally, there are an prejudice association with Neanderthals and massive tools and, therefore, there is no possibility in a conscience and planned election of this type of tools. Microlithic equipment presents advantages in relation with mobility, provide a better precision of use, increases the diversified possibilities including hafting tools and increases raw material potential which aid to economize it. Also, its integration in other complex systems through ramified productions benefits tool procurement and the structuration of activities on a size variability. In this sense, tool microlitization causes are especially important to evaluate raw material economies and the complexity and variability of the lithic technical systems.


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