Manger, Bouger…dans la Préhistoire : Discussions autour des premiers agropasteurs d’Europe et de Méditerranée / Gwenaëlle Goude A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Conférence-concert "L'apparence humaine à l'aube du Néolithique au Proche-Orient" par Canan Domurcakli

Un numéro spécial de la revue Quaternary "Adaptive Capacity of Prehistoric Coastal Communities to Environmental Changes"

Appel à contributions / Call for papers


Un volume coordonné par
Dr. Elodie Brisset
Dr. Catherine Dupont
Dr. Francesc Burjachs




"We are pleased to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue in the journal Quaternary that aims to decipher the adaptive capacity of prehistoric coastal communities to the effect of the sea-level change and related phenomena.


Past socio-ecological adaptation to sea-level rise has emerged as a key field of study to investigate the sensitivity of human systems to global climate changes. Indeed, following the last glaciation, the melting of ice sheets induced a rapid sea-level rise, drastically modifying the configuration of coastal areas. The consequences of this sea-level rise not only consisted of changes in the territory occupied by prehistoric communities, but also induced changes in the availability of environmental resources, which could have had threatened the adaptive capacity of coastal human communities. By gathering case studies on this topic, this Special Issue aims to improve our understanding of the modality and rhythm of socio-ecological responses to sea-level rise, which is of major importance in the current context of global environmental changes.


We thus encourage the submission of original manuscripts that contribute to better understanding past human–environment feedbacks in coastal areas.


Complementary information and guidelines for authors can be found on the journal's webpage, and by contacting us : "


Quaternary  is a new open-access journal indexed in the international database.


Plus d'infos


The manuscript submission deadline has been set to the 31th of January 2020.
The manuscripts submitted before the 1st of July are free of charge




