Publications (EN)


In addition to the BSPF, the SPF publishes books in 4collections :



Mémoires : each year the Société Préhistorique Française publishes one or two site monographies or studies on wider topics.


Travaux : a series of publications of recent fieldwork


Actes des Congrès préhistoriques de France : conference proceedings are published either in a single volume or in separate volumes for the various sessions of more recent conferences.


The SPF alsoproduces Tables and indexes of articles published in the Bulletin. For the years 1904-1983, these are arranged by author, geographical zone and subject.


A part from these collections, the SPF publishes series produced by other associations or study-groups :

Les actes des Journées d'information de l'association Internéo.
Les Typologies des objets de l'âge du Bronze.
Les fiches typologiques de l’industrie osseuse préhistorique.


You can now buy SPF publications on-line.

You can either order printed versions or downloadable PDF files of books or articles.

Last update : 16/07/2018