Images rupestres du Sahara: nouveaux terrains, nouvelles approches A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire V Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria “Materiali preziosi, semipreziosi e inconsueti nell’età del Rame e nell’età del Bronzo italiana Archeologia, archeometria e paleotecnologia”

Congrès, colloques, réunions


5-8 septembre 2018




24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists "Reflecting futures" - Session #752
Theme: The archaeology of material culture, bodies and landscapes


For several decades, mobility and migration are one of the main research topics in archaeological works, considering acculturation and material contacts between two populations and more. However, they have been rarely considered according to a gendered point of view.
The aim of this session is therefore to question gender through mobility and migration in archaeological data into diverse geographical contexts;
Firstly, communications should include a methodological approach: how detect mobility or migration in archaeological data (through material data? technical gestures? isotopic analysis?) ? What aspects of mobility can we bring up from each of these data sources? What are their contributions and limitations to understand mobility of men and women in the past?. All these questions should be related to a common issue on gender.
Secondly, this session aims for comparing different cultural frameworks on how perceive and question mobility and, more importantly, tries to go further with a gendered approach: who are concerned by mobility and migration? How mobility impact men and women? Where these men and women came from, and where did they go? Causes and consequences of a movement are similar for each sex? “Marriage” for women and “war” for men are traditionally taken for granted to explain mobility. What are archaeological evidences for these hypotheses?
This session will also be a good opportunity to question the impact of our current gendered representations of migrations/mobility causes in archaeological works.


Main organiser:
Dr Caroline Tremeaud (France)
Dr Chloé Belard (France)
Dr Julia Koch (Germany)


Abstracts can be submitted at until 15 February 2018.


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