Origin processes of the emergence of warrior societies: from inter-group conflict in Prehistory to its social roots in Proto-history. Actualités The common and the precious: socio-economic: inferences on southern African hunter-gatherer communities through the study of their mineral resources

22nd meeting "Archéologie et Gobelets"

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


21-23 janvier 2021


"We are happy to announce that the Archéologie & Gobelets conference (January 21-22, 2021) is MAINTAINED, and will be organized VIRTUALLY."





Claudine Abegg, Janet Battentier, Delia Carloni, Florian Cousseau, Eve Derenne, Jessica Ryan-Despraz with the support of Marie Besse


The Laboratory of prehistoric archaeology and anthropology at the University of Geneva is happy to announce the next “Archéologie et Gobelets” conference in Geneva, Switzerland. This meeting will be followed by an excursion on Saturday to Bell Beaker sites in Valais, Switzerland.

With this year’s theme, “The Bell Beaker Culture in All its Forms”, our goal is to bring together the various fields working to better our understanding of the Bell Beaker Culture. We therefore invite all researchers to present their recent or ongoing work. We hope to stimulate discussions in all aspects of archaeology, anthropology, paleoenvironmental research, etc. The scientific and organizing committee is also eager to promote the work of junior researchers. All ideas are welcome!


Registration form: https://tinyurl.com/acheogob2021
The general registration deadline (non-presenters) is the 30th of September 2020

The abstract submission deadline is the 25th of May 2020


La durée de soumission des communications pour la prochaine rencontre Archéologie & Gobelets a été prolongée jusqu'au 26 juin 2020.


Plus d'infos




