Le musée de l’Aurignacien recrute un·e chargé·e de médiation et d’accueil du public A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Widening Horizons

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


8-11 septembre 2021

202109_kiel_eaa_27_logoSession 247 - 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Widening Horizons


Direct and indirect evidence of weaponry in the Pleistocene archaeological record provides a framework for evaluating numerous facets of human evolution, including hominin subsistence behaviours, hunting strategies, cooperative group behaviours, cognitive flexibility, technological complexity, innovation, use of landscape, and the ability to adapt to different ecological niches. In the last few decades in particular, our ability to identify and evaluate the use of hunting weapons during the Middle and Late Pleistocene has been improved through remarkable archaeological discoveries and advances in methodological approaches. This has reshaped the dialogue around perceptions of performance differences between weapon technologies and hunting strategies of different species of Homo. Therefore, this session invites abstracts from researchers currently looking at the diversity of evidence on Middle and early Late Pleistocene use of early weapons (with a specific focus on hand-delivered weapon technologies) for hunting and/or confrontational events, including evidence of early weapons or hunting lesions, experimental archaeology, biomechanical approaches, use-wear methodologies, social perspectives (e.g. gender, age, learning, cooperation), ethnoarchaeology, indigenous perspectives, and zooarchaeological studies that provide evidence for hunting. We also invite contributions that aim to contextualise both existing evidence and/or newer research within the developing comparative models of weaponry and hunting strategies utilised by different species of Homo.


Session Organisers:
Milks Annemieke
(University College London, UK);
La Porta Alice (University of Manchester, UK);
Moncel Marie-Hélène (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris);
Rios-Garaizar Joseba (Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana, Spain).



Plus d'infos



Call for oral and poster contributions is now open - deadline for submitting an abstract is 11 February 2021





