Post-doctorat en archéologie "La production sidérurgique de l’âge du Fer au Moyen Age en Basse Bretagne" A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Journée d'études "Profession : archéologue ?"

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


2-7 septembre 2021
Meknès - Université Moulay Ismaïl



This session will welcome papers presenting other case-studies of archaeological projects integrating an in-depth use of archive materials. Authors are invited to address issues such as:  the scientific use of archival information: how the data from past research are integrated in the current production of knowledge? The organisation of research projects: who led the projects, and what division of labour between archaeologists, historians or archivists are at stake?  Publication policy: to which audience (scientific, laypeople) and in which journals the results of projects combining new and old archaeological data are addressed?



Sébastien Plutniak
& Alessandro Guidi


Date limite : 30 mars 2021


Plus d'infos
Sébastien Plutniak
courriel : sebastien [dot] plutniak [at] posteo [dot] net


Via Calenda



