ICAZ 14th Worked Bone Research Group conference A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire 16ème Congrès de l’Association panafricaine d’archéologie, de préhistoire et disciplines associées

Emplois, bourses, prix, stages

The appointment is for three years
University of Stavanger - Museum of Archaeology (Norvège)



The hired candidate will be admitted to the PhD program in Social Sciences. The education includes relevant courses to about six months of study, a dissertation based on independent research, participation in national and international research environments, relevant academic communication, a trial lecture and public defence.


PhD in archaeology and cognition: interdisciplinary approaches to human- animal relations in archaeology


The main objective of this PhD-project should be to achieve novel understandings of human-animal relations in archaeology, by using a combination of archaeological and cognitive research. Throughout prehistory, humans have shared the planet with other animals, in various multi-species environments. Animals have been tamed, bred, domesticated, buried, nurtured as pets and companions, in addition to being exploited for food and products.


Plus d'infos

Professor and Head of research at the museum, Kristin Armstrong-Oma
or Associate Professor Anja Mansrud


Deadline : 15th August 2021


Vu sur Mesolithic Miscellany Monthly - June 2021

> Tous les emplois

