Images de l'homme fossile A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Ateliers de taille lithique

Emplois, bourses, prix, stages

septembre 2022
Aarhus University
- Department of Communication and Culture & Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics




EU ERC Project : The Evolution of Early Symbolic Behavior, eSYMb

The project will start sept. 1st 2022


Notice that there is currently two open job calls for postdoc positions related to the project:
- A 3-year postdoc in cognitive science
- a 4-year postdoc in prehistoric archaeology


About the project :        
- The cognitive constitution of symbols
- An integrative approach to the study of symbolic evolution
- Hypotheses
- Experimental suite 1: cognitive affordances  
- Experimental suite 2: mechanisms of change
- Experimental suite 3: symbolic forms    


Plus d'infos

Kristian Tylén


Date limite d'inscription : 7 juin 2022


Via Kristian Tylén



> Tous les emplois


