Association SPF

Founded in 1904, the Société préhistorique française is one of the oldest archaeological societies. It was formally acknowledged to be of public utility in 1910, and won the Grand Prix of Archaeology in 1982. Its activities consist of organising scientific meetings and producing publications about prehistory.


The Société préhistorique française currently has nearly 1100 members, and nearly 500 libraries, universities and associations, not only in France but throughout the world, subscribe to its Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française.



The Société Préhistorique Française organizes the following events :


  • Archaeological meetings : 2 or 3 times a year in Paris or other regions of France. These meetings last from one to three days and cover various themes : regional or national overviews of recent work on a specific research issue or period (see the archives or list of upcoming events) ;


  • National conferences (Congrès Préhistorique de France) : every 4 or 5 years since 1904. The most recent have been Paris 1989, Carcassonne 1994, Nanterre 2000, Avignon 2004 (SPF centenary) and Bordeaux/les Eyzies 2010.


The Société Préhistorique Française publishes :


  • A trimestrial Bulletin in 4 numbers, each at least 200 pages long. The first part of the Bulletin, representing three-quarters of the contents, consists of original peer-reviewed articles. The remaining quarter presents recent discoveries, debates, book reviews, conference and exhibition announcements, book lists and society events.


  • Non periodical publications, including 5 collections :


  1. Mémoires
  2. Séances de la Société préhistorique française en ligne (Proceedings on-line)
  3. Travaux
  4. Congrès Préhistorique de France proceedings
  5. Tables and Index


All the SPF publications aer available on-line at

Last update : 16/07/2018