Entre terre et mer. Les pratiques alimentaires à l’épreuve du temps / Estelle Herrscher A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Journée doctorale de l’équipe RHAdAMANTE (Recherches en Histoire et Archéologie des Âges des Métaux et de l'Antiquité en Europe)

The Connected Past 2018

Congrès, colloques, réunions


6-7 décembre 2018


The Connected Past 2018 is a multi-disciplinary, international two-day conference that aims to provide a friendly and informal platform for exploring the use of network research in the study of the human past. It will be preceded by a two-day practical workshop offering hands-on experience with a range of network science methods.


Topics might include, but are not limited to:

- Spatial networks
- Temporal networks
- Archaeological network research
- Historical network research
- Missing and incomplete data in archaeological and historical networks
- What kinds of data can archaeologists and historians use to reconstruct past networks and what kinds of issues ensue?
- Formal network analysis vs qualitative network approaches: pros, cons, potential, limitations


Plus d'infos

Dr. Nathalie Riche (Microsoft Research) and Dr. Matthew Peeples (Arizona State University)
n a t h @ m i c r o s o f t . c o m




