Announcing the Prehistoric Society Online Collections (PSOC) A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Le musée de l’Aurignacien recrute un·e chargé·e de médiation et d’accueil du public

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


8-11 septembre 2021

202109_kiel_eaa_27_logoSession 327 - 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Widening Horizons


Since Public Archaeology examines the role and impact of archaeological activity in a wider social, economic and political aspects, this session would like to add a gender perspective to this examination. Public Archaeology focuses both on how the discipline engages the public in archaeological matters, both research and interpretation of heritage, and on how the public uses archaeological heritage for social, political, educational, and cultural matters. This session aims to explore the inclusion of a gender perspective to this reciprocal relationship, in both theoretical and practical terms. We look for contributions that examine gender politics, roles, norms, and stereotypes present openly and subtlety in the practice of public archaeology. But also, contributions that explore these within the theory of practicing public archaeology, and in the practice of theorizing about public archaeology. The session aims thus to engage in the debate of gender values and attitudes attached to archaeological practice for the public, and how these engendered practices and discourses are transferred accepted, maintained, negotiated, and contested by society. Therefore, we envision this session as a meeting place to discuss theoretical approaches and practical experiences focused on gender and feminist perspectives.
Areas of interest for this session on gender/feminism in public archaeology include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
· Public engagement activities in archaeology/heritage
· Collaborative practices and digital networking
· Results of scientific research and the impact of archaeology in the media/social media
· Participatory and engendering archaeology/heritage projects
· Gender perspectives in community heritage/archaeology
· Gender perspectives in archaeological museums and heritage management and interpretation practices
· School/university curriculums and educational practice of archaeology
· Gender perspectives in teaching public archaeology at university level
· Professional and academic cultures


Session Organisers:
Clara Masriera-Esquerra
Paloma González-Marcén
Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla
Laia Colomer Solsona


Plus d'infos


Call for oral and poster contributions is now open - deadline for submitting an abstract is 11 February 2021





