Le nouveau master en ligne en études du patrimoine mondial (MA)  - Appel à candidatures A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire AWRANA 2022 - Tracing Social Dynamics

Q13 – Paleoclimate changes, landscape evolution and human societies: from sedimentary basins to industrial landscapes

Congrès, colloques, réunions - Appel à contributions / Call for papers


du 14 au 18 mars 2022



13ème colloque de l’AFEQ-CNF INQUA


The conference will focus on:
• climate change and landscape evolution at the Quaternary timescale
• interactions between climate, environments and human populations
• impacts of human societies on landscapes and anthropization processes
Its objectives are to provide an overview of both novel research carried out in the various branches of the Quaternary, and advances in associated scientific methods (development, application). In addition, it will focus on regional-scale studies and approaches, with an opening towards modern - in particular urban - environments.


12 sessions
1. Climate-controlled sedimentary systems and processes - how unique is the Quaternary?
2. Deciphering landscape evolution from different angles: combining geochronology, quantitative geomorphology and modelling approaches
3. Reconstruction of palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironments during the last glacial period: impact of millennial-timescale climate variations on Megafauna and Human societies
4. From one glacial to another: global climate dynamics and impact on continental environments during Quaternary interglacials
5. First prehistoric settlements and Pleistocene paleoenvironments : adaptations, subsistence and migrations
6. Uses and misuses of landscapes and resources: New perspectives on pioneer farming societies in the world
7. Impacts of past agro-pastoral activities on the structure of landscapes
8. Urban and industrial socio-ecosystems: from past to present, and future
9. Space and time variability of millennial-scale crises during the Holocene : Local to regional climatic and environmental records, and cultural responses to rapid climate changes
10. Active tectonics and earthquakes: their records in the geological, geomorphological and archeological archives
11. Human-nature interactions deduced from river mouth, coastal and marine records: Trends and short-term changes in a long-term perspective
12. Methodological advances in fluvial geomorphology and ecology to rivers management


Plus d'infos

Deadline for abstract submission : 15.11.2021




