Architecture préhistorique : Habitats néolithique & mésolithique européens (10000 – 2000 avant J.C.) / Emmanuel Ghesquière & Cyril Marcigny (2021) Nouvelles parutions hors SPF Thinking Through Images: Narrative, rhythm, embodiment and landscape in the Nordic Bronze Age / Christopher Y. Tilley (2021)

Quaternary ecology, evolution, and biogeography / Valenti Rull (2020)


Rull_2020 [Études spécifiques]
Valenti Rull (2020) - Quaternary ecology, evolution, and biogeography, London, Elsevier / Academic Press, 256 p. EAN 9780128204733, 91,00 €.

Quaternary Ecology, Evolution, and Biogeography offers an introduction to the study of the ecological and evolutionary processes that have shaped our present biosphere under the influence of glacial-interglacial cycles. Written by an ecologist with paleoecological expertise, this book reviews the climactic changes that have occurred during the last 2.6 million years, along with the responses of organisms and ecosystems. It offers an understanding of the evolutionary origin of extant biodiversity, its biogeographical patterns, and the composition of modern ecological communities. In addition, it explores human evolution and the influence of our activities on the biosphere, especially in the last millennia. This book offers the latest information on how studying the past can contribute to our understanding of present climate issues for a better future, and is an ideal resource for researchers and students in the natural sciences. Key Features Includes the latest developments in genomics and their relevance within Quaternary evolution Offers a holistic view of the origin of biodiversity patterns and community assembly Discusses the role of climate on human evolution and the ecological consequences for natural systems.

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