Fouilles du gisement paléolithique moyen, châtelperronien, gravettien, solutréen, badegoulien d’Ormesson Actualités Grands Sites de France : paysages remarquables et tourisme durable

Earthen architectures from the Neolithic to the Iron Age: detection of structures and characterization of building techniques

Congrès, colloques, réunions


30 août 2017 - 3 septembre 2017




201708_maastricht_eaa_logo_petitSession 396 of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - EAA 2017

Main organiser:
Luc Jallot

Alessandro Peinetti
Pantelitsa Mylona
Anna Maria Gómez Bach
Cosimo D'Oronzo
Miquel Molist
Marylise Onfray
Claudia Speciale
Julia Wattez
Ambre Di Pascale



The correct detection of the remains of earthen buildings and structures is often complicated for the archaeologists. In France, for example, their identification on the field is actually a challenge for researchers and it gives problems of scientific policy to the organisms that are in charge of the regulation of the preventive archaeology and the archaeological heritage. The recognition on the field is particularly hard in temperate regions of central and western Europe, especially for the most ancient periods. The comparison between some most evident structures, preserved in arid contexts or in sites such as tells, and latent or bad preserved structures, as in temperate contexts, can help the development of methods, excavation techniques and interpretation of archaeological findings.

This session will be an opportunity to compare different experiences on the theme of earthen architecture in european and Middle East Prehistory relating to the identification of these structures on the field, the characterization of techniques (mudbrick, cob, wattle and daub, plasters, floors,...) and their decay. Various kinds of site can be presented, from domestic to funerary contexts. The discussion will be focused on the comprehension and interpretation of the rests of walls, buildings and other earthen structures, the understanding of the nature of mudbrick sediments, the ethnofacies and the formation processes of tells. Different approaches are welcomed (archaeology, geoarchaeology, geochemistry, geophysics,…) to present case studies and specific methodologies from preventive archaeology or long-term research projects. Interdisciplinary papers and posters are encouraged, as well as ethnoarchaeological and experimental studies.


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Deadline for submissions: 15th March 2017




