Paroi, Pigment, Pixel : Reproduire une grotte ornée Actualités Beca para graduados de países en conflicto para cursar el Máster universitario en Prehistoria y Arqueología

The variability of bifacial tools in the Middle Palaeolithic and their importance in the transition to the Upper Palaeolithic in Western Eurasia

Congrès, colloques, réunions


4-9 juin 2018




Raw material, techno-typology, chronology and interactions in their environmental and cultural context


Une session du 18ème congrès UISPP, Paris 2018,  proposée par Arpad Ringer, Liubov Golovanova, Agnes Lamotte, Vadim Stepanchuk


This 2018 session in Paris would like to focus on the issues of lithic industries in the Middle Palaeolithic before the arrival of modern humans, and then to evaluate in a spatiotemporal way the transition towards the Upper Palaeolithic of the Near East to Atlantic Europe, via Anatolia and the Caucasus. The aim is to clarify the ideas on the coexistence of Neanderthals with modern humans, with regard to the lithic industries these hominids produced. What is the techno-typological variability of the bifacial tool industries before the presence of modern humans (in the predefined territory above), and what is the techno-typological variability of the industries with bifacial tools and leafpoints after the arrival of modern humans? How do the techno-typological elements of the Upper Palaeolithic arise in this transformation of the bifacial industries and leafpoints? Various topics will be considered during this session: the raw material sources, the workshops, the circulation of materials. The bifacial and leafpoint achievements in the Micoquian or Keilmessergruppen (whole tools, roughouts, fracturing): isolated phenomenon, or regional characteristics? A look will also be cast at palaeoenvironments, and the adaptation and response of hominids to variations. Assessments of faunal migrations in relation to those of humans (thus human-faunal interactions) will be welcome for the wide territory of South-West Asia to Europe, via Anatolia and the Caucasus: from the Urals to Britain.

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