Apport des études ethnoarchéologiques et expérimentales en archéologie Actualités 8th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE)

Congrès, colloques, réunions


5-8 septembre 2018



24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists "Reflecting futures" - Session #592
Theme: The archaeology of material culture, bodies and landscapes


Traditionally, the debate concerning the Neolithisation process has been focused on the study of both technical and cultural aspects, the origin and exploitation of domestic plants and animals as well as their chronological context. Although these aspects have still an important role within this debate, new topics and the application of brand-new techniques are contributing with relevant data in the last years. Among them, genetic and isotopic analyses, chronological and simulation models are some of the most relevant. These studies are reinforcing some hypothesis linked to the spread model, territorial patterns of these farming communities and the rhythm and chronology of the phenomena.
This session aims to encourage debate be a meeting among researchers who focus their research on new studies and proposals related to the spread of the Neolithic, the tempo of the phenomena and the role of the hunter-gatherers communities in this process. Although this session is focused on the European region, it welcomes aims to include others proposals from the origin and spread areas, such as the Near East or North of Africa.


Main organiser:
Dr Miriam Cubas (Spain)
Xavier Terradas (Spain)
Antonio F. Carvalho (Portugal)
Paul Halstead (United Kingdom)
Claire Manen (France)
Juan J. Ibáñez (Spain)


Abstracts can be submitted at until 15 February 2018.


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