Le bureau d'études Éveha recrute un gestionnaire des archives de fouille référent (h/f) Actualités Labexmed à Camargo : programme de résidences artiste(s) et chercheur(s)

Magdalenian: chronology - territory - settlement structures

Congrès, colloques, réunions


18-20 septembre 2018


Conference organizers
Zdeňka Nerudová
Marta Połtowicz-Bobak


Anyone who volunteers to take part in the meeting is requested to submit the registration form, the topic of the presentation and abstract (See below).

Conference excursion to Sanok – the city on the gate of Bieszczady mountains with plain-air ethnographic museum.


The conference fee is 75€ or 300 zł and 15€ or 50 zł for excursion until 15.04.2018 and 85€ or 340 zł and 20€ or 70 zł after 15.04.2018
Account number is: 19 1030 1999 7896 0000 0180 0053.
The Foreigners are requested to write a SWIFT number of Bank Handlowy: CITIPLAX

The Conference Fee covers: coffee break refreshments between sessions, lunches and banquet, one copy of the abstracts volume.
We don’t provide an accommodation. We will send you a list with propositions of hotels in the next circular.


The official language of the conference is English.



Call for papers and posters - Deadline : 15.06.2018


Voir l'annonce détaillée ci-dessous




