Fouilles du gisement paléolithique moyen, châtelperronien, gravettien, solutréen, badegoulien d’Ormesson Actualités Recrutement de 10 post-doctorants EHESS 2018

NeanderART 2018 "Is there palaeoart before modern humans?"

Congrès, colloques, réunions


22-26 août 2018



International Conference under the aegis of UISPP and the auspices of IFRAO


Did Neanderthals or other early humans create ‘art’?

This International Conference will continue and expand a debate to be organised by CeSMAP at the XVIII° UISPP mondial Congress in Paris from June 3 to June 9, 2018.

The NeanderART 2018 Conference will offer a unique opportunity to meet colleagues and to combine the exchange of scientific knowledge with the wonderful experience of visiting Italy.

The Field Trips planned for the Conference participants will offer the rare opportunity to inspect two very important Neandertal sites in Europe and discuss their interpretation with the specialists involved in their study.


Plus d'infos


Abstract deadline : April 30th, 2018




