LV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria “Preistoria e protostoria della Basilicata" A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Vivre pendant la dernière glaciation. Occupations humaines et paléoenvironnements : quelles spécificités dans les Pyrénées ?

Middle Palaeolithic site of Chez Pinaud



1er-23 mai 2019

Jonzac (Charente-Maritime)





Direction : William Rendu, Ksenia A. Kolobova  & Svetlana Shnaider


A joint project from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS (IAET SB RAS) and New Archaeology Project (NAP), du laboratoire international associé (LIA) franco-russe « Multidisciplinary Research on Prehistoric Art in Eurasia – ARTEMIR et du laboratoire PACEA (Bordeaux)


The excavation will focus on the Quina bone bed from layer 22 interpreted as a task specific location developed by Neanderthals for the exploitation of reindeers. The site was used every winter during a long period of time and attests of the development of a complex mobility pattern during the MIS 4.
Methods applied during the field work included: photogrammetry, 3D spatial recording, zooarchaeology, lithic analyses, traceology etc.


Conditions :
- applicant must have her/his tetanus vaccine
- food and housing are assured by the excavation project.
- no fees


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