Algérie, nouveau berceau de l’humanité Actualités Trésors des cimes ? les dépôts d'objets métalliques de l'âge du Bronze dans le sud-est de la France

Séminaire, conférence



jeudi 18 avril à 16h30


Paris : Musée de l'Homme - Auditorium Jean Rouch




Une conférence de Juan Francisco Ruiz Lopez (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha)


Levantine art is a rock art assemblage located in the eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula, that was probably connected to the complex cultural and social processes of transition to farming. One of the most astonishing aspects of this style are the depiction of scenes where prehistoric people is intervening. Cultural evolution, human adaptation to changing environments and the impact of the Neolithic technologies can be seen in a unique first hand account of the people that lived them. These general cultural processes can be glimpsed through remarkable scenes where social spheres were depicted. These scenes are an opportunity for approaching to gender roles, emerging hierarchies, hunting strategies, interhuman violent relationships or symbolic roles played by some animal species. Everyone of these aspects demonstrates that rock art imageries are a relevant topic for the archaeological research of prehistoric human societies.


Plus d'infos
Marie-Claude Kergoat
Christine Verna





