Contrat post-doctoral sur l'origine des outils cognitifs pour la quantification (H/F) Actualités Excavación en el yacimiento de la Roca dels Bous 2021

Emplois, bourses, prix

Start date position negotiable from July 2021 onwards
Universiteit Leiden - Faculty of Archaeology


logo_u_leidenProject description


In the NWO-funded research project “Finding resolution for the Middle to Later Stone Age transition” we aim to characterize the now very poorly understood Middle to Later stone transition in southern Africa (~40.000 – 20.000 years ago). Through renewed excavations at Umhlatuzana rockshelter and an in-depth analysis of the stratigraphy, taphonomy and environmental circumstances we are documenting the context of this transition in great detail. The next stage of the project is to document the changes in technological behaviour that make up this transition. To this end the lithic assemblages of the site will be analysed. During the excavation all materials >2cm were piece-plotted. The assemblages to be analysed consist of ~4800 knapped artefacts in multiple raw materials, including quartz and hornfels (flint is not represented at the site).


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For more information about this position, please contact Dr Gerrit Dusseldorp, e-mail

Applications should submitted no later than 1 May 2021


Via Justin Pargeter



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