Hérault - Rencontres départementales de l'archéologie 2019 A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire El Arte de las Sociedades Prehistóricas (ASP VI) = Art des Sociétés préhistoriques = The Art of Prehistoric Societies

12th International Symposium on Knappable Materials

La date limite pour l'envoi des résumés a été repoussée au 7 octobre


Congrès, colloques, réunions


18-22 novembre 2019
- Hungarian National Museum



Knappable materials include any which can be worked by the technique of knapping: flint, chert, obsidian and other rocks, even artifical materials like glass. The special theme selected for ISKM 12 is Bedrock and Alluvial: primary and secondary raw material sources.


This conference will cover all aspects of knapped stone raw materials from geological origin, to mining, usage, and laboratory analyses of these materials. Papers will be accepted on any culture or time period.


Whether you are a field archaeologist, laboratory researcher, ethnographer or a modern day knapper yourself, we are interested in your research.


Regular sessions:

- Geology and mineralogy of knappable materials
- Characterising lithic sources
- Lithotheques: collections of comparative raw materials
- Raw material exploitation strategies: mining and surface collecting
- Ancient lithic trade and economics
- Stone tool production and processing techniques (Organisers: Sol Sánchez-Dehesa Galán and Leslye Valenzuela)
- Experimental flint knapping
- Blade and bladelet evolution in Europe from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Transitional- Period - A technological revolution or contingent changes?
- Lithic technology of recent periods: Modern and Mediaeval
- Use-wear analysis of different stone raw materials: specific features and variability
- Polished / ground stone tool production: knapping before polishing / grinding
- Gemology: obsidian and quartz as gemstones


Plus d'infos




