Emplois, bourses, prix
Starting date : 1st november 2019
Bologna University

The PhD candidate for the ERC project “RESOLUTION” will work on:
The PhD candidate will be involved in fieldwork around Southern Europe.
- Undertaking rigorous fieldwork to close the gap in knowledge about the presence of subfossil trees in the Glacial
- Present evidence of the trees at various congresses, to alert as many scientists as possible in different disciplines
The PhD candidate will build tree-ring chronologies assisted by 14C pre-dating.
- Construct floating multi-centennial tree-ring width chronologies in various glacial periods through analyses of previously collected trees and the new finds collected through new fieldwork and assisted by extensive 14C dating. These 14C dates will define a time window in which the dendro-synchronization is attempted
This work will be done in collaboration with the PostDoc in Dendrochronology in collaboration with the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart.
- Establish series of tree-ring proxies that can be used to infer climatic and environmental information in the respective time periods.
The PhD candidate will work on high precision glacial chronology.
- Produce high resolution and precision 14C datasets from the floating chronologies that she or he generated.
- She/He will extract cellulose from the tree-rings, combust cellulose to CO2 and convert it to graphite. This will be done at ETH Zurich AMS laboratory.
Plus d'infos
Application deadline : 15 may 2019
> Tous les emplois