Landscape Archaeology Conference -  7th edition A noter / Autour de la Préhistoire Les séminaires du LAMPEA - Master Archéologie Sciences pour l’Archéologie - M2 Milieux et sociétés de la Préhistoire

Emplois, bourses, prix, stages


The duration of this contract shall be for four years

The start date for the contract is estimated to be April 1st 2022

Burgos - CENIEH




The purpose of this contract is to train a doctoral candidate, who will pursue a line of research centering on taphonomic analyses of faunal fossil remains (carnivores and ungulates) associated to Paleolithic paleoanthropological sites.


Plus d'infos

Applications may be submitted at any time up to 2 pm on March 1st 2022, inclusive.

Ref: 01/2022 ERC-2020-STG DEATHREVOL





> Tous les emplois


