S2-08EN_PDF_Colas Guéret - Character and variability of Early Mesolithic toolkits in Belgium  and Northern France: the contribution of a functional approach

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S2-08EN_PDF_Colas Guéret - Character and variability of Early Mesolithic toolkits in Belgium and Northern France: the contribution of a functional approach

The technological and typological study of Mesolithic domestic tools has often been hampered by their un-standardised nature. This study presents the results of a functional approach to three Early Mesolithic (Preboreal and Boreal periods) assemblages from Northern France and Belgium. Use-wear analysis has made it possible to identify different materials worked by Mesolithic groups, especially plants probably used in basketry and weaving. The examination of un-modified blanks sheds new light on the very significant use of the un-retouched pieces which dominate the toolkits. Furthermore, a more detailed analysis of different functional modes suggests that technical attitudes varied between different sites. Site functions, together with chronological and geographic differences were also factors likely to have played a role in the contrasts observed between sites. Functional studies, which are still too sporadic, undoubtedly have a part to play in untangling these factors.